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Additional Endorsements Received for the 2022 Campaign 

"The Montgomery County Highway Superintendents Association is Proud to Endorse Jeff Smith for Montgomery County Sherriff."

Montgomery County Highway Superintendents Association


"Our political action group acknowledges your interests in the issues affecting workers and your commitment to addressing the needs of all hard working men and women for Montgomery County"

CSEA Local 829


"the Town of Minden proudly supports the efforts of Jeffery T. Smith for re-election of Montgomery County Sheriff in 2022"

Town of Minden


I support Jeffrey T. Smith reelection as Montgomery County Sheriff. I know what Jeff does as Sheriff on a
daily basis, I have experienced his integrity, knowledge and professionalism and I am proud to be
working with him to make Montgomery County a safer place to live.

Robert A. Purtell

Montgomery County Legislator - District 9


"The Village of Ames supports the candidacy of Jeffery T. Smith for the elected office of

Montgomery County Sheriff."

Village of Ames


"You have created a Sheriff’s Office that the public can trust and we know that you will continue to work hard
for the citizens of Montgomery County. We are proud to call you our Sheriff and we are happy to come
to work every day knowing we have a hard-working Sheriff who is out for the best for his employees."

Montgomery County Deputy Sheriff's

Police Benevolent Association


"I have known Jeff for close to 44 years and I have never heard anyone say a bad word about Jeff nor have I ever heard Jeff speak a bad word about another person. This is the type of person we need as our sheriff."

Thomas DiMezza

Supervisor - Town of Amsterdam

Amsterdam Police Department, Detective Lieutenant - Retired


"He has served with dignity, pride and unwavering dedication to his community for over three decades. His
lifetime of service and experience will continue to serve the residents of Montgomery County as their Sheriff."

Village of Fort Plain

Board of Trustees


"Jeff Smith is a native and resident of the Village of Fort Plain and has done an outstanding job as Montgomery County Sheriff the Fort Plain Village Board wants to announce its support of Sheriff Smith's bid for re-election"

New York State Troopers

Police Benevolent Association

Endorsements from 2018 Campaign 

"When you cast your vote on November 6th, please remember that the position of Sheriff is not a job to Jeff; it is a lifestyle that affects everyone around him and requires a supportive team both at home and in the community; it is a commitment that should not be taken lightly; and it is a position he has worked toward for 30 years. Thank you for your support."

Becky Smith

Jeff's Wife of 28 Years


"Jeff is not just a leader, he's a team player. His motivational attitude and dedication is contagious. His work ethic and experience make him a role model for staff. These qualities define a person we can depend on and who we should elect as our next Montgomery County Sheriff."

Matthew L. Ossenfort

County Executive - Montgomery County


"This endorsement acknowledges your support for the issues affecting CSEA members and your commitment to addressing the needs of all hard-working men and women in Montgomery County"

Cynthia Stiles

CSEA Capital Region 4

Political Action Committee, Co-Chair

James Courson

CSEA Capital Region 4

Political Action Committee, Co-Chair

Mark Hoffman

CSEA Local 829

Political Action Chairman


"It is my honor to wholeheartedly endorse Mr. Jeff Smith for Montgomery County Sheriff. As our New Sheriff, please know that Jeff will, with 110%, serve the entire community of Montgomery County. Please join me on Nov 6, 2018 and vote for Jeff Smith as our new Sheriff! Thank you."

Jeffrey R. Kaczor

Stop DWI Coordinator - Montgomery County

Chief Deputy - Montgomery County Emergency Management


"It is my honor and privilege to publicly endorse Jeff Smith to become our next Sheriff! He is a man of honor, true dedication and is very capable of bringing the Sheriff's Office to a necessary level of excellence!""

Sean Piasecki

President - Eastern Med LLC.

Amsterdam, NY


"I have had the honor of knowing Jeff and working with him for several years both on a personal level and professional level. There isn't a more dedicated and qualified man for the job other than Jeff. His dedication to the community is second to none and I am honored to give my endorsement to Jeff Smith for Montgomery County Sheriff. Our Community will be a safer place with Jeff on the watch."

Eric Mead

Supervisor - Town of Florida

"We are confident with Jeff's knowledge, skills, abilities, professionalism, and commitment to make Montgomery County a safe place to live, work and travel, he will be an accomplished leader of the Montgomery County Sheriff's Office. 

Bryan MacFadden

Police Chief

Village of Canajoharie

Ryan Austin

Police Chief

Village of Fort Plain

Diana Callen

Police Chief

Village of St. Johnsville


"On behalf of the Executive Board and membership of Teamsters Local 294, I am pleased to inform you that we have endorsed your candidacy for the position of Montgomery County Sheriff."

Click here to read the full endorsement



President - TEAMSTERS LOCAL 294 


"With your extensive history in the Emergency Services field, we have no doubt that you are the most qualified candidate to keep the Montgomery County Sheriff's Office moving forward and to continue the ever growing relationships across all Emergency Services."

Click here to read the full endorsement

from the Western Montgomery County Fire Chiefs Association 


"We believe Jeffery Smith is the leader that our community needs and the leader that the Montgomery County Correctional Facility needs. Jeffery Smith's prolific accomplishments and service to our community embodies the qualities needed to be the Sheriff of Montgomery County"

Click here to read the full endorsement

from the Montgomery County Sheriff's Corrections Unit, Teamsters Local 294

"After a very nice meeting and open discussion, I am very proud to share that the Glen-Mohawk Senior Citizen Group has unanimously endorsed my candidacy to become your next Sheriff!. They are a great organization. I have been a guest speaker for them many times. I am so thankful that they see the importance of our experience and the value of our community involvement and pride! I look forward to being a true partner to each and every person who lives, works, visits or travels through Montgomery County!" - Jeff Smith

 Glen-Mohawk Senior Citizen Group



"I am pleased to announce that the New York State Conservative Party has endorsed Jeffery T. Smith for Montgomery County Sheriff. Jeff's entire career has been dedicated to public service. Jeff worked for the Montgomery County Sheriff's Department for just over 25 years, working his way up the ranks from correction officer to second in command as your Undersheriff. He has 30 years’ experience as a volunteer firefighter and he is currently the Montgomery County Emergency Services Director. Jeff understands public safety and is committed to protecting his community." 

Shaun Marie

Executive Director - New York State Conservative Party



"Thank you for your support of racing & we appreciate your lifetime of dedicated community service to the residents of Montgomery County!"

Jeremy Wilder

Montgomery County Resident
Dirt Modified Driver


"The Village of Ames supports the candidacy of Jeffery T. Smith for the elected office of Montgomery County Sheriff."


"Your experience in law enforcement and your incredible history of volunteerism in your community is remarkable. Your leadership style and ability to organize multiple agencies to work together has accomplished much in Montgomery County.  We need a man with your experience and vision to be our next Sheriff. 

Click here to read the full endorsement

 Rosemary Smith
Past Chairperson - Montgomery County Republican Committee 


"I am a 29 year (retired) veteran of the New York State Police. I have worked side by side with Jeff Smith on many notable cases throughout those years. During his tenure as a dedicated Montgomery County Under-Sheriff, Jeff demonstrated he is a tremendous leader and motivator, Jeff also displayed an uncanny ability to work very well with other Local, State, and Federal Law Enforcement Agencies. The citizens of Montgomery County would be best served to have Jeff Smith as their next County Sheriff."

Izzy Toro
Trooper (Retired) - New York State Police



"We have worked alongside you in many aspects of Emergency Service as just one of your many job descriptions and feel your professionalism is unsurpassed."

Click here to read the full endorsement

Montgomery County Town Highway Superintendents Association


"I have always believed that to make the Sheriff's Office the best it can be we need a true law enforcement professional as Sheriff. I believe that professional should be Jeff Smith, who has a wealth of law enforcement experience."

Click here to read the full endorsement

Mark Pierce
Director of Public Safety  - Fulton - Montgomery Community College


“Jeff Smith has exemplified integrity and professionalism throughout his law enforcement career. As Montgomery County Sheriff, Jeff will maintain the highest level of accountability, responsibility, and respect among his colleagues in the sheriff’s department while fostering positive community relationships among constituents. Jeff has dedicated his career to public service, focusing on the safety and security of the communities he has served. I have had the privilege to know Jeff personally and professionally for over 30 years and I am confident he will honorably serve as the next Montgomery County Sheriff.” 

Jay DeTraglia


"Jeff, all the best to you! This is great thing for Montgomery County, and you will make a fine Sheriff! Good luck with the campaign. Jeff Smith For Sheriff!"

Stewart Friesen
Montgomery County Resident

Dirt Modified and Nascar Truck Driver



"There is no question in my mind that you will make a quality Sheriff and that you are the person for the job! Your experience in law enforcement, emergency services and the fire service demonstrate the type of individual that is required to fullfill such an important position."

Click here to read the full endorsement

Susan Quackenbush
Former Coroner - Montgomery County


"The PBA's endorsement is a result of your quality resume, law enforcement experience, leadership style and ability to bring agencies together as one to accomplish important tasks. The PBA members are in agreement that you are the person to serve as our next Sheriff."

Click here to read the full endorsement

from the Amsterdam Police Benevolent Association

"Smith is not one to sit and wait for things to happen. He has a clear vision, an understanding of his purpose and he actively pursues goals that benefit other people. He looks for reasons why we can succeed rather than excuses for why we cannot. "

Click here to read the full endorsement

from the Amsterdam Police Superior Officers Association

"We are confident Jeff would take a very active role in supervising the Correctional Facility as well as providing a safe environment for the Correction Officers and staff under his control and providing a safe and secure facility for the inmates we are trusted with the care of. "

Click here to read the full endorsement

from the Montgomery County Corrections Supervisors Union, Local 3717S

"The Town of Minden proudly supports the efforts of Jeffery T. Smith for the elected position of Montgomery County Sheriff in 2018."

Click here to read the full endorsement

from the Town of Minden Town Council


"You have always dedicated yourself second to none. You have always been an inspiration to our children, your co-workers, and the constituents you have served."

Click here to read the full endorsement

Tom Quackenbush
Former Mayor - Village of Fort Plain



"Jeff has always shown the integrity and leadership needed to not only hold the position of Sheriff, but to be the leader in that position I feel Montgomery County needs."

Click here to read the full endorsement

Mike Lewis
Member - Fonda-Fultonville Central School District Board of Education

Road Patrol Lieutenant  - Montgomery County Sheriff's Office

Father of two children within Montgomery County

The PBA's endorsement is a result of your background and support for the law enforcement community as well as your recognition of police officers and deputy sheriffs as deidicated and hard work public employees who go out each and every day to serve the public at great personal risk and sacrifice."

Click here to read the full endorsement

from the Montgomery County Deputy Sheriffs PBA

"I continued to have great respect for Jeff's desire and ability to handle serious problems in a very professional manner."  "Jeff Smith has gained experience in all phrases of emergency and police operations which have prepared him well to be an outstanding County Sheriff."

Click here to read the full endorsement

Tony Desmond

Schoharie County Sheriff - Retired

New York State Police - Retired

"The Fort Plain Village Board supports the efforts of Jeffery Smith for the elected position of Montgomery County Sheriff in 2018."

Click here to read the full endorsement

from the Village of Fort Plain Board of Trustees

"We have had the opportunity to work alongside Mr. Smith on several occasions during his tenure as Emergency Management Director.  Whether the situation called for him to assist our department at a fire scene or address needs at the station, Mr. Smith has always exemplified the qualities of a professional and a leader."


"These are the qualities we know he will bring to the table once elected Sheriff"

Click here to read the full endorsement

from the Amsterdam Professional Firefighters IAFF Local 2825

"Jeff is passionate in everything he does, he will put that passion to work for Montgomery County as the next sheriff"

Harold Bell

Montgomery County Deputy Emergency Management Coordinator

Hagaman Fire Department  - Past Fire Chief

"I have personally known Jeff Smith for many years and have had the pleasure of working in the law enforcement realm with him. I have found him to be knowledgeable, cooperative with people, agencies, and determined in his efforts. These are the qualities that a county sheriff must possess. I've remarked many times that "Jeff Smith is never off duty". As Sheriff, I know Jeff Smith would tirelessly serve all the people of Montgomery County. For these qualities that I see in Jeff, and many more,- Jeff Smith is my choice for Montgomery County Sheriff. "

Pete Vroman

Former Supervisor - Town of Canajoharie

Senior Deputy U.S. Marshal for the Northern District of New York - Retired

"I have worked with Jeff in Law Enforcement for over 20 years. Jeff is a hard working dedicated public servant. His honesty, integrity, and leadership attributes makes him an excellent choice for Montgomery County's next Sheriff. Jeff is a graduate of the F.B. I. Academy and his diverse experience as the former Montgomery County Under Sheriff and his current position as Director of the County's Emergency Management Department makes him a great choice as the next Sheriff. Jeff is a cops cop who leads by example, dedicated, fair, and hard working."

Al Kercado

Amsterdam Police Department, Patrol Lieutenant- Retired

US Army Lieutenant Colonel - Retired

“Mr. Smith has also been an important asset to our community as he has served our village in many different capacities, including Fire Chief. At the county level Mr. Smith did a fantastic job serving many years as the County Undersheriff and since his retirement has done a phenomenal job serving as Director of Emergency Management. “ 

Click here to read the full endorsement

from the Fort Plain Teachers' Association

I have known Jeff since kindergarten; we have been friends for as long as I can remember. We have also served together in law enforcement and the fire service. Whenever we have talked about an issue concerning the community he has always considered what is best for the citizens. Jeff continually answers his phone day or night to give guidance, solve problems, and answer questions. His dedication and commitment to public safety and security of Montgomery County is second only to his family.

Todd Hime

Belleview, Fl

"Jeff is a dedicated individual with exceptional work ethics, in which he has the ability, capability and leadership and excellent working relationship with fellow employees and staff in fulfilling all duties and responsibilities of Sheriff.  Jeff is a hard working person, has a good reputation, is dedicated to both his family and his Community and would work very well with people in the Community, which would be a plus as Sheriff. "

Gary Warn


"Jeff Smith's community involvement and support has been unwavering for the last 25 years I have served beside him in the fire service.  He will make a great Sheriff!  Join me in supporting him."  

Terry Potoczny

Safety Officer - St. Johnsville Fire Department

"As the Fire Chief of the Hagaman Vol. Fire Dept. I have had the opportunity to work with Jeff over the years during both his role as the County Undersheriff as well as in his current position as Director of Emergency Management. Jeff has always placed public safety as his number one priority. Having as many years as he does in both the law enforcement and fire service fields goes to show how dedicated to helping and protecting his fellow community members he is. This continued support and determinations is just a small example of why I support him in his decision to run for county Sheriff in the upcoming year."

Eric Ball

Past Chief - Hagaman Fire Department

"I have known Jeff Smith for over fifteen years.  He is experienced, caring and hard working!  I can think of no better candidate for our next Sheriff!"


Robin Sise

Amsterdam, NY

Jed Conboy

Montgomery County District Attorney - Retired


"Jeff Smith was my "go to guy" in the Sheriff's Department when he was Undersheriff and I was District Attorney.  No matter how difficult the task, Jeff always got the job done, and done right.  I am absolutely positive that Jeff Smith will be an excellent Sheriff."

Cheryl Reese

Supervisor - Town of Minden

"Jeff is supremely qualified for the position of Sheriff.  His dedication to public safety is unparalleled and he has built and maintained strong relationships throughout the county that will serve him well.  He has worked tirelessly for our residents and constantly proven he is someone who can get the job done.  It is my pleasure and honor to endorse Jeff Smith for the position of Montgomery County Sheriff."

“My name is John Daly and I have lived and worked in this community my entire life. I have known Jeff Smith since he first became a member of the Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office. He is more than well qualified for the position of sheriff. In addition to his qualifications he brings his community involvement. I consider Jeff a friend, an outstanding candidate and am proud to endorse him for Montgomery County Sheriff."

John Daly

Board of Trustees - St. Mary's Hospital

Dwight Schwabrow

NYS DMV Chief Investigator - Retired

Montgomery County Emergency Management Director/ Fire Coordinator - Retired

" I know from my years of working with Jeff Smith, while developing and implementing response plans, and long-term recovery strategies, that he is an outstanding public safety leader who has the best interests of the residents of Montgomery County at heart. He is a capable leader who has integrity and common sense. He demonstrated many times his ability to deal with challenging situations. He has the ability to build good-working relationships with government leaders, volunteers, and business entities. Jeff is a well-versed and experienced public safety administrator, who should be your next Sheriff."

Joe Emanuele III

Retired School Teacher at FFCSD

Former Mayor - City of Amsterdam


"Candidates with outstanding professional qualifications, the utmost integrity, strong leadership skills and a sincere passion to serve the populace of Montgomery County, don't often come our way. I have worked with Jeff over the years and have witnessed his genuine desire to keep us safe. Join me on election day November 6, 2018 and vote for Jeff Smith our 66th Sheriff."

Thomas DiMezza
Supervisor - Town of Amsterdam
Amsterdam Police Department, Detective Lieutenant - Retired

“ I can’t think of anyone more willing, able and deserving to serve as sheriff of Montgomery County.  Jeff has served this County for 30 years in law Enforcement, fire service, emergency management and he even spent time as a council member in his own community. I am proud to endorse Jeff Smith as our next Sheriff in Montgomery County.”

Pat Baia

Chairman of the City Republican Committee - City of Amsterdam

I am endorsing Jeff Smith for Sheriff because Jeff has the expertise, knowledge, commitment and skills to be our next sheriff. He has shown through his resume that he can certainly handle the position and do the job the right way. I know that Jeff will be on call 24/7 and have the people of Montgomery County at first hand. Please support me and my endorsement for Jeff.

Greg Culick
Amsterdam Police Department, Police Chief - Retired

“I have worked with Jeff Smith during my entire 30 year career with the Amsterdam Police Department.

While employed by the Montgomery County Sheriff’s Department, Jeff obtained the reputation of being the “go to guy”. He has continued his outstanding  professional achievements as Director of the Montgomery County Office of Emergency Management.  His work ethic and job performance are unequaled.”

I’m endorsing Jeff Smith for Montgomery County Sheriff.  I believe that he has the experience to do the job in a professional manner, the character to faithfully and competently serve the people of Montgomery County, and the energy and initiative to lead the positive change so greatly needed in both the Sheriff’s Office and County Jail operations.  I have known Jeff personally and professionally for more than twenty years and am most gratified to offer my endorsement without reservation.

John Duchessi

Montgomery County Legislator, District 6

“I have worked with Jeff for more than 25 years, whether it was in Law enforcement or as Emergency Management Director, you will not find a more dedicated, qualified public servant, I am proud not only to know him professionally, but as a friend”.



Michael J. Villa

Former Mayor-City of Amsterdam

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